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Human Resource
Health and safety policies
- Health and safety philosophy
- Based on the enduring theme of our management philosophy—realizing environments in which people can work with peace of mind—we regard health and safety activities as fundamental to our business. In addition to ensuring occupational health and safety management within the organization, we strive to eliminate health and safety impacts on local communities. We do our utmost to establish workplaces in which we can all take pride.
- Action guidelines
- We constantly strive to enhance health and safety management through compliance with health and safety laws and regulations and internal standards.
- By implementing risk assessment to clarify the causes of risks and dangers in the workplace and to prioritize countermeasures, we promote initiatives that result in safe and comfortable workplace environments. We seek eliminate not just accidents, but the risk of accidents.
- To prevent damage to health caused by overwork and stress, we strive to enhance health management structures and to promote employee health maintenance measures.
- We seek to implement health and safety activities in which all take part, based on dialogue with all employees.
- We strive to raise awareness of health and safety issues though employee education and internal awareness activities.
- We invest appropriate management resources into and carry out ongoing improvements in executing health and safety activities.